Top 10k strings from Qualitas (1986)(Seven Stars Publishing)(Side A).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   2 ;"          ";
   1 t$="The third set of codes should   reset the printer to its normal line spacing, eg 1/6 inch."
   1 t$="The second set of codes should  set the printer to a line       spacing which is the normal one (usually 1/6 inch) less the one performed by the first set of   codes. For example, if the      first codes give 1/216 inch     spacing, the second should give 35/216 inch spacing."
   1 t$="The first set of codes should   set the printer to 1/2 or 1/3   dot line spacing, ie 1/144 or   1/216 inch. Consult your printermanual for details."
   1 t$="Finally, another set of codes   is required to set your printer to quadruple-density bit-image  mode. Set n1 and n2 (length of  bit-image data) to zero."
   1 qualitas  
   1 qcode     
   1 q$="Is your printer one of these?":
   1 q$="Is a change required?":
   1 pica      f
   1 mercury   f
   1 elite     f
   1 ;"The codes are now set to:":
   1 ;"STOP THE TAPE":
   1 ;"Invalid number";:
   1 ;" QUALITAS ";
   1 ;"                    ";:
   1 ;"                       ";
   1 "They are at present set to suit the following printers:"
   1 "The linefeed codes and graphics codes may require changing to   suit your printer."
   1 "The Tasword code has now been   modified."
   1 "Enter printer code (0-254) or   just press ENTER to finish ";
   1 "Consult the instructions for thenext step, which is to modify   the Tasword BASIC."
   1 "Brother M-1009"'"Canon PW1080A"'"Citizen 120D"'"Epson FX-80, LX-80, RX-80 etc"'"Kaga-Taxan KP810"'"Rotronics/Saga DX-85"
   1 "(Enter ";
   1  R.J. Eckersley, 1986"